
Faceted navigation for ecommerce SEO

Join Alec Bertram for a Free Webinar

Time: 4 PM UK time (GMT), December 3
The technical setup of faceted category systems on ecommerce sites can make or break a website’s organic visibility. There are common issues in off-the-shelf and proprietary e-commerce platforms which mean that the sites using them aren’t able to rank for all of the terms that they should.
Attend Alec's webinar if you want to know:
  • how to discover what your customers actually care about in a product, and how they search to solve problems
  • the website architecture that ecommerce giants use to rank for every keyword that their customers search for
  • the risks of faceted navigation, and how to mitigate these
  • the tools and research you need to start moving towards an optimal faceted navigation system.

Alec Bertram is the co-founder of Allotment Digital. He has worked in marketing for the past 10 years and is on a mission to bring traditional marketing ideas and processes to SEO. With his company he is helping ecommerce businesses to better target their customers through search.

Presented by:
Alec Bertram
Co-founder of Allotment Digital 
Date : December 3, 2015

Time : 4 PM UK time (GMT)

If you sign up and cannot attend, we'll send you a link to view the slides and the full recording after the live broadcast.

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